Wilna, over at http://www.wilnaf.blogspot.com/ has the following request:
"I have a friend, Lois. She is 40 years old and has cancer. She is in pain and needs positive, uplifting people to remind her continually to live and that life is worth living. She has an amazing husband and four beautiful kids. The doctors are not giving her long to live, but I believe that God is the author of life. And I know you believe that too...
If you want to be entered into this awesome draw for a RAK(and if anyone want to contribute prizes, big or small, please email me) then this is what you are going to do: take 10 minutes of your time and create a card for Lois. A card that speaks of life and laughter, of fun and flowers. A word of encouragement, maybe your favorite scripture. Take a picture of it and upload it HERE for all to see. Then you post it to her. I visit her every day and I will make a list of all the cards she gets and I will let her draw names out of a hat for winners. The deadline for all the cards to reach her in Canada is March 20th. So, if you want to play (and I hope every single person that reads this will) make her a card, and post it. THAT's how simple it will be.
Please email me: wilna71@gmail.com if you want to participate. I will email you her address. Those who are willing to add this little he{ART} flower to your blog to help me get the word out, will be in my good books for life. You can just right click the image and save it to your computer and add it to a side bar. Please link THIS post to it."
beautiful card! love it very much!
Thanks for coming to visit my blog. The little girl in my banner is my mom...! Is that a riot or what?
Thanks for the love inara! Nice to read a new blog, i'm loving your bold style. Also, I was scrolling through old posts and those drawings, the stained glass looking ones...are AMAZING! Wow!
beautiful!!! love it!
Lovely and great card! Thanks so much for your comments on my cards made with punches! Gracias!
I just signed up to send her a card. Its on my list for tonite
What a beautiful card, you are such a great friend.
Hey you! Thanks for stopping by. Consider me in. I would love to make a card and send a blessing your friends way.
Oh, what a wonderful idea! I'll visit Wilna's blog!
Thanks for popping past my blog and leaving your kind comments on our Madeline pages!
What a great idea to have cards being sent to your friends. If I weren't so far behind in preparing my lectures (& I am procrastinating as I type!) and didn't have a guest arriving this morning, I'd certainly participate. We'll see yet; I've got an ill little girl so we might need some crafting yet this weekend!
thanks for visiting my blog girlie!! you have a wonderful site! how funny that you live so close to me! small world.
Beautiful card - what a wonderful thing to do!
It's amazing how a card can make such a difference in someone's spirit.
I love all the LOs on your page.
Thanks for putting this on your blog!!
Thank you for posting this... I am going to go sign up and get her address and work on a card for her. I hope everyone who sees this will do the same.
Hi Inara...it's amazing just how supportive the worldwide scrapping fraternity is? I have seen links to Wilna's site with this card on SO many peoples blogs...well done for spreading the word!
Beautiful card!!!
Very cool! Thanks for passing this along. :)
Hi there! Thanks so much for your comment on my dd's project!
Such a pretty card, thanks for the blog comment!
Micayla x
this is so pretty...
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